Sunday, July 27, 2008

Date Night

So, Chris and I went out to the movie last night. We had a terrific time. Unfortunately, Chris's parents decided Gwen didn't really need to go to bed so much as she needed to be unswaddled and spend the evening playing with them. When we got home at 10pm, she was half-assedly wrapped up in her swaddle blanket, fussing and whining, and Keith was walking her around the room. Karen insisted she'd been "good as gold" all night, and had drank THREE bottles.

I was furious, but what can you do. Free babysitting and all.

Lesson learned, though. Next time we will do the matinee, and the grandparents can play with Gwen all afternoon and tire her out.

We are still paying the price for her fucked-up schedule. We got her to sleep last night at 10:30, then she got up at 3 and again at 6*. Her naps today were screwed up and she didn't go down tonight until 9pm.

(*These times are actually fairly typical for her to wake up, the main difference being that she usually goes to sleep around 6. So instead of about 12 hours of nighttime sleep, she got around 7. Not so great, as those who listened to hear scream through our entire Council meeting tonight would surely agree.)

Anyway, we saw Dark Knight, the new Batman movie. I think that's the first movie we've gone to together since Cloverfield. It was phenomenal - very intense. Heath Ledger was downright creepy in the role of the Joker. And happily, I was able to forget about Gwen and the happenings at home while we were out and just relax and have a good time. It was only after we got home that I got stressed out, and to be honest I am *still* stressed out! Right now I'm trying to remind myself that tomorrow is a whole new day. I'm dreading the fact that it's Monday, though, and that I have to face the day without Chris here to help.

1 comment:

Amberism said...

I say next time just know that the schedule will get messed up. The schedule will get messed up many, many, many more times anyway :). Might as well enjoy the movie without all the tweens!

Your messed up schedule is my regular schedule! I am very jealous right now! Kid doesn't sleep more than 3 hours, ever.


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