So I was at the Health Unit the other day, and a brochure caught my eye so I picked it up and took it home and made Chris scan it into the computer.
This is just more proof that I am way too immature to be a mom. This brochure made me laugh my ass off. Baby Flathead! Oh noes!
I'm sure that baby flathead really is something I need to be concerned about, but at this point all I can think about is Mark McKinney and his head-crushing abilities.
I knew if nothing else, you would enjoy that!
Now tell me the truth ... if you saw that same brochure, you'd have the same response, wouldn't you?!
I'd have the exact same response, plus I'd also note that 'Baby Flathead' sounds like a Dick Tracy villain.
It's funny but it's true - all this "Back to Sleep" business combined with people leaving their kids in the car seats rather than holding them is giving babies flat heads ("plagiocephaly" being the technical term).
I've had a couple repeat clients come into care with their older children required to wear corrective helmets 23 of 24 hrs a day....
Pick up your damn babies people!!!
I have never seen a brochure though - can you send me one? I need a good laugh.....
Love R
With all due respect, I too felt the same judgemental way that you did when I saw children with corrective helmets. I too assumed that children who require these helmets were neglected and never held. God allowed me to find out just the opposite the hard way. After working for years in a child development center as a teacher who would hold these "neglected" babies as much as I could because I was certain that the moment they were returned home, they would not get such attention, I became pregnant with my first child. My child was born with torticollis. This means that due to the way he sat in my womb, one side of his neck was tighter than the other and over time (Despite how much we held him) one side of his head became flatter. We tried every method known to man to reposition him while he slept at night. Due to this tight neck muscle, his head would ALWAYS go to the same side. Praise God we were directed to DOC Helmets. At the Charlotte facility, we came to learn that this is very common for children who are born with torticollis. It is also very common for multiples as they too have less room in the womb. My most recent baby was born 16 weeks early and HAD to lay in a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) bed for the first 15 weeks of his life. He was very blessed to be alive let alone manage to have a well shaped head. Unfortunately many of these babies who are fighting for their lives must wear these corrective bands!!!! It is not just an asthetic thing, sometimes these are necessary for them to have proper brain growth as well as jaw alighnment. I do not share this to make you feel bad but to make you aware that these babies/parents do not deserve your laughter.
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