"Post every day in November. That's all you have to do."
It doesn't say anything about length, or more importantly, quality content, which is a great relief to me and to other bloggers, no doubt ...
So, I heard from Melissa - mother of the 2.5 pound baby - and miraculously, they are actually doing fine. It turns out Melissa has a bicornuate uterus, which means it is shaped like two horns instead of a triangle, and is a big factor in infertility. Knowing that, it's amazing she was able to carry the baby for 27 weeks - at least, according to what I could learn on Google.
At 27 weeks, her placenta abrupted, and they needed to get the baby out immediately - hence the emergency C-section. It is really reassuring to know the "why" of the whole situation, but what's even greater is that Melissa and her husband are in a really positive mood, feel that their son is not only in good health but in the very best hands, and that although they have a difficult road ahead of them in the next three months, they have no doubt that they can handle it and everything will turn out fine.
Amazing! I am so happy and so relieved for all of them.
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