But, you know ... everything's still the same. Nothing new. One of the things about having a three-year-old instead of an infant is that she doesn't change as fast. And I don't have breastfeeding, diaper rashes, and sleep deprivation to rant about. I will say that I LOVE having a three-year-old; that Gwen is imaginative and affectionate and competent and energetic and adores exploring her world, and she is just completely freaking fun to be around. (I say this with the optimism of one who has not seen an earthquake tantrum in over a week ... how soon we forget.) I am over the moon about this little girl who loves to do stuff that I love to do, and with whom I can have endlessly entertaining conversations. I can't believe how lucky I am that she is my daughter.
And that's a point I've been reflecting on a lot, lately. I have a few friends with fertility troubles, at various stages of their journeys. I am so grateful for my healthy body and its ability to deliver a perfect, healthy baby with little heartbreak along the way. I am also reading The Boy in the Moon: A Father's Search for His Disabled Son
The limbo with Chris's job situation also continues. I feel almost paralyzed trying to write about it. We never thought it would go on this long. There is tremendous hope and optimism in the recent opportunity to become a Deputy Sheriff, which would be such a wonderful fit for him. There is also a lot of frustration and dismay as this is a government job, and all government jobs in BC are currently on a hiring freeze (and have been since 2008), so we are continually getting conflicting messages about how the selection process will work and when the various steps will be completed. In the meantime he has started working a part-time retail job, which is good for him in many ways. It's nice to have something to fall back on if the bureaucratic goofiness of government work continues through the summer.
I was very sad recently when I had to cancel my annual Circle Tour that Gwen and I traditionally take at the end of May. There's no money, and even if there was, we only have one vehicle, which means I can't exactly take that vehicle away for ten days. Hopefully we will be able to do the trip in the fall and visit all the friends and family we can. It's a quiet time at my work right now, so I would have enjoyed the break. I'm trying to see the positive and plow on with my schoolwork. I'm so close to the end, and yet so unmotivated - not sure how to rectify that other than just forcing myself to get the work done.
So this is what it's like inside my brain these days. Random, mood-swingy, disconnected thoughts. Maybe you all should be glad I'm not posting more often.
I was in tear just reading the bio of that book, I'm not sure I have it in me to read the actual book.
I feel constantly blessed every day to have healthy, happy kids. Someone was recently telling me about their child's health woes and I just kept thinking "thank you for my healthy children".
Maybe we can chalk the lack of motivation up to the fact that Spring seems to be on vacation somewhere and forgetting to show up. Or only showing up part of the party instead of the whole party that Spring is supposed to. That's my excuse anyway.
Also, I saw the video related to that book, and found it quite informative.
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